From contract drafting and review, assistance in negotiating transactions of all types and values, to general corporate counseling, Kent/McBride can serve as “outside” in-house counsel for those companies without a full time, General Counsel, or as an effective adjunct to your existing in-house staff. Our attorneys are not only experienced and highly skilled with regard to the transactions themselves, but the firm’s experience with commercial litigation lends itself to effective troubleshooting and risk management in the incipient stages of any deal such that the likelihood of encountering problems are significantly reduced. Additionally, Kent/McBride’s size and flexibility as a firm allows our transactional attorneys to provide these services more effectively and efficiently than larger firms who are saddled with higher overhead and other financial constraints. Our attorneys have provided such commercial, transactional and “outside counsel” services to companies of all sizes, from small “mom and pop” operations to multi-national corporations.